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Jung, H.S., Yoo, S.H., “Mobile Advertising UX Design Framework based on Users’ Cognitive Experience”, Archives of Design Research, Vol.33(3), pp.137-153, 2020

Jung, H.S., Yoo, S.H., “A Study on the User Centered Mobile AD Experience Design based on Users’ Acceptance and Recognition Analysis”, Design Convergence Study, , Vol.19(6), pp.175-195, 2020

Yoo, S.H., “A Study on Experience Elements for Design Centric Smart Manufacturing Process”, Design Convergence Study,  Vol.19(5), pp.35-48, 2020

Jung, H.S., Yoo, S.H., “The Design Elements of Experience Layers for Smart Factories”, Design Convergence Study,  Vol.18(6), pp.3-13, 2019

Yang, S.H., Yoo, S.H., “A Study on Improvement Direction of Onboarding Process Design for Elevating Early User Experience of Online Games”, Design Convergence Study,  Vol.18(4), pp.1-15, 2019

Yang, S.H., Lee, T., Yoo, S.H., “BCD Framework : Business Canvas – Cognitive Elements- Design Process coupled Multi Layered Design Process Model”, Design Convergence Study,  Vol.17(6), pp.111-126, 2018

Yoo,S.H., “Development of Block Coding Touch UX Design for User Centered Experience of Collaborative Robot Control”, Design Convergence Study,  Vol.17(5), pp.77-92, 2018

Yoo,S.H., “Development and Validation of Block Coding Based Human-Robot Teaching Pendant UX”, Journal of Integrated Design Research, Vol.17(4), pp.9-18, 2018

Shin, S.W., Yoo,S.H., “Discovering abstract structure of unmet needs and hidden needs
in familiar use environment – Analysis of Smartphone users’ behavior data”,  Design Convergence Study, Vol.16(6), pp., 2017

Lee.S.B., Yoo, S.H.,”Design of the emotion expression in multimodal conversation interaction of companion robot “, Design Convergence Study, Vol.16(6), pp., 2017

Son,M.J., Yoo,S.H., “Multi–ModalInterface Design for Non–Touch Gesture Based 3D Sculpting Task”, Design Convergence Study, Vol.16(5), pp.177-190, 2017

Yoo,S.H., Park,S.M., “Design of the Assistive Companion Robot Experience for Seniors”, Design Convergence Study, Vol.16(1), pp.191-202, 2017

Jang, H.J., Yoo,S.H., “A Study on the Optimization of UX Design Process and Methodology for Small and Medium Sized Manufacturing Companies”, Design Convergence Study, Vol.15(6), 2016

Park, S.M., Yoo,S.H., “An Integrated Human-Centered Design Approach for Implementing Successful Wearable Products”, Journal of Industrial Design, Vol. 10(04), pp. 49-60, 2016

Shim,J.M., Yoo, S.H.,”A Study on Color Cognition Improvement Elements on Transparent Display”, Integrated Design Research, Vol.15(2), pp.9 -18, 2016

Park,Y.J., Yoo, S.H.,”Visual Treatment for Improving Text Recognition on Transparent Display”, Integrated Design Research, Vol.15(1),  pp.133 -142, 2016

Yoo, S.H., Lee,T.I., “The context based display-code classification for visually reversed information design on transparent display”, Archive of Design Research, 29, pp.143-155, 2016

Yoo, S.H., “User participatory medical service design elements for endocrine disease management,” Korea Design Knowledge Journal, 33, pp. 209-218, 2015

Son, M., Moon,B.S.,Yoo,S.H.,”Wearable glass UX design guide based on human FOV(Field of View) principle,” 33, pp. 235-244, 2015

Yoo, S.H., Lee, T.I,  “Design of Pervasive Gesture UX Prediction Guidance Using Dynamic FORT,” Archives of Design Research, 27(3) , pp. 113-131, 2014

Moon, B.S.,  Yoo, S.H., “A Study on the Evaluation of UX Elements for Users’ Selective Attention to the Transparent Public Display ,” Archives of Design Research, 27(2), pp. 183-197, 2014

Yoo, S.H., “공간 제스처 UX (Airtouch UX) 디자인과 디스플레이 코드 간 상관관계 연구 사례,”, 디자인학연구, 26(2) , pp. 215-233, 2013

Lee, T.I., Yoo, S.H., “공간제스처 UX디자인을 위한 정보 디스플레이 코드 활용,” Korea Design Knowledge Journal, 25, pp. 21-30, 2013

Yoo, S.H., “스마트 TV 다기능 컨트롤러의 UX 유형별 태스크 적합도 비교,” Journal of Digital Interaction Design, 21, pp.47-56, 2013

Yoo, S.H., “소형 정보기기를 위한 지능형 가상 키패드입력에 관한 연구,” Journal of Digital Interaction Design, 18, pp.39 – 50, 2012

Yoo, S.H., Yoon,W.C., “Modeling Users’ Task Performance on the Mobile Device – PC Convergence System,” Interacting with Computers, 18, pp.1081-1100, 2006

Yoo, S.H., Hwang, B.C., ”Mobile Users’ Preference on UI Type of the Convergence Information Product,” Design Science Journal, Feb 2008

Yoo, S.H., “An Exploratory Research on the Correlation between the Perception of Gesture UX (Airtouch UX) Design and Display Code”, Design Science Journal, 26-2, pp.215-233, 2013



International Conferences

Lee, S.B., Yoo,S.H.,”Design of the companion robot interaction for supporting major tasks of the elderly”, International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence, Jeju, Korea, 2017

Yoo, S.H., Yoon,W.C., “Development of an information-task-interface framework for informative UI,” International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Jul 2005

Yoo, S.H., Yoon,W.C., “The Combined Effect of Interface-Task-Information Complexity on Users’ Task Performance,” International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Sep 2004

Yoo, S.H. , Yoon,W.C., “Development of Information-Task-Presentation Lined Model for Systematic UI Design,” 6th Asian Design Conference-International Symposium on Design Science, Sep 2003

Yoon,W.C., Yoo,S.H., Lee, D.S.,“User Interface Design in Korea: Research Directions for a Digital Society,” Human Computer Interaction : 10th Conference in Greece, May 2003

Yoo, S.H., Yoon,W.C., “Metaphor based interface for VR Manipulator,” 5th Asian Design Conference-International Symposium on Design Science, Oct 2001

Yoo, S.H., Lee, K.P., “Development of Design Scenario Management tool for the design idea generation,” 4th Asian Design Conference-International Symposium on Design Science, Oct 1999



Domestic Conferences

Lee, J.Y., Yoo, S.H., “A Proposal on Interactive Data Visualization Guideline Principles Based on User Context”, Korea Society of Design Science Conference 2019, pp.18-19, 2019

Jung, H.S., Yoo,S.H., “A Study on the Service Design of Food Delivery for Traditional Market”, Korea Society of Design Science Conference 2019, pp.180-181, 2019

Yang,S.H., Yoo,S.H.,”Suggestions for Improving Onboarding User Experience to Improve User Accessibility of Online Games”,Korea Society of Design Science Conference 2019, pp.308-313, 2019

Shin,S.W., Yoo,S.H., “Interaction design using background layer of products for implementation of life empathy”, Korea Society of Design Science Conference 2018, pp.112-113, 2018

Lee, S.B., Yoo,S.H., “Design of the Companion Robot Interaction for Daily Living Tasks of Elderly”, Korea Society of Design Science Conference 2017, pp.96-97, 2017

Shin, S.W., Yoo,S.H., “Analysis of Smartphone Users’ Behavior Data for Discovering Abstract Structure of Needs, Unmet Needs and Hidden Needs”, Korea Society of Design Science Conference 2017, pp.82-83, 2017

Lee.S.B., Shim,J.M., Yoo,S.H.,”Design of the Companion Robot Interaction for Major Tasks of the Elderly”, HCI Korea 2017 Conference, pp.555-558, 2017

Park, R.J., Yoo,S.H., “Interaction Design on Productivity Task for Transparent Display”, HCI Korea 2017 Conference, pp.117-120, 2017

Shim,J.M., Yoo,S.H., “Color Cognition Improvement Elements on Transparent Display”, HCI Korea 2016 Conference, pp.251-258, 2016

Son,M., Yoo,S.H., “Non-Touch Hand Gesture Based Interface Design for 3D Sculpting System, HCI Korea 2016 Conference, pp.402-408, 2016

Park,R.J., Yoo,S.H., “Visual Treatment for Improving Text Recognition on Transparent Display,” HCI Korea 2016 Conference, pp.537-544, 2016

Park,R.J., Yoo,S.H., “Research on Indoor Pedestrian Navigation UI to Improve Way-Finding in a Hospital Environment,” Korea Society of Design Science Conference 2015, pp.116-117, 2015

Cho,K.J., Yoo,S.H., “A Study on the Application and Case of Visual Interaction Modeling(VIM) in UX Design Development Process,” Korea Society of Design Science Conference 2015, pp.118-119, 2015

Shim,J.M., Yoo,S.H., “Qualitative Analysis on Space Composition: Considering Visual Density at the Stage of Space Programming,” Korea Society of Design Science Conference 2015, pp.120-121, 2015

Nam,S.H., Kim,Y.B., Son,M., Yoo,S.H., “A Study on Non-Touch Hand Gesture Based Interface Pattern Design for 3D Modeling Program,” Korea Society of Design Science Conference 2015, pp.122-123, 2015

Son, M., Yoo,S.H., Information Design Guide for Binocular – Immersive Wearable Glass UX Using FOV(Field of View)Principles, Korea HCI Conference 2015, 2015


Son, M., Yoo,S.H., Designing User Experience for Portal Bookmark Service, Korea Society of Design Science Conference 2014, Incheon, pp.60-61, 2014

Lee, S.Y., Yoo, S.H., “A Case Study on Non-Visual UX Branding through Cognitive Procedure Identity Design”, Korea HCI Conference 2014, pp.437 – 439, 2014

Lee, S.Y., Yoo, S.H., “Cognitive Classification of Visual Information on Both Sides of Transparent Display”, Korea HCI Conference 2014, pp.377 – 379, 2014

Jang, Y.J., Kim, H.,Yoo, S.H., “Cognitive gap of interface design between design procedure and usage procedure”, Korea Society of Design Science Conference 2013, Seoul, pp.240-241, 2013

Moon, B.S., Yoo, S.H., “A study on the effect of auditory interface for outdoor activity environment “, Korea Society of Design Science Conference 2013, Seoul, pp. 238-239, 2013

Moon, M.J., Yoo, S.H., “Design of gesture based smartphone interface for visually impaired people”, Korea Society of Design Science Conference 2013, Seoul, pp. 236-237, 2013

Kim, C., Yoo, S.H., “A study on workload depend on dynamic-static aspects of skeuomophism”, Korea Society of Design Science Conference 2013, Seoul, pp. 226-227, 2013

Nam, W., Yoo, S.H., “Design guideline of electrolytic water generator equipped kitchen ware for food poisoning prevention”, Korea Society of Design Science Conference 2013, Seoul, pp. 256-257, 2013

Hong, P., Yoo, S.H., “A study on mobile financial service application design using video call function”, Korea Society of Design Science Conference 2013, Seoul, pp. 222-223, 2013

Ha, J., Yoo, S.H., “Big-data based design IP consultation service using image searching technology on design patent DB”, Korea Society of Design Science Conference 2013, Seoul, pp. 184-185, 2013

Moon, B.S., Yi,S.Y., Lee,T.I., Yoo, S.H., “공공장소에서의 투명디스플레이 UX 시각화 요소의 선택적 주의집중 검증, 한국디자인학회 2013 봄 학술대회, pp. 66-67, 2013

Yi,S.Y., Yoo, S.H., “LittleExplorer: 어린이의 학습 경험을 확장하는 인터랙티브 에듀테인먼트,” 한국디자인학회 2013 봄 학술대회, pp.126-127, 2013 

Moon, B.S., Bae, S.W., Yoo, S.H., “재난 상황의 물리적-정보적-감성적 지원을 포함하는 구호 시스템 디자인에 관한 연구,” 한국디자인학회 2012 가을 학술대회, pp.64-65, 2012

Yoo, J.M., Goo, S.H., Yoo, S.H., “한국 전통 재래시장의 UX 가치 재구성 사례연구,” 한국디자인학회 2012 가을 학술대회, pp.18-19,2012

Yoo, S.H., Yoon,W.C., “Development of Information-Task-Interface Framework for Informative UI,” Korean Conference of HCI,Feb 2005

Yoo, S.H., Yoon,W.C., “Development of Information-Task-Interface Framework for Informative UI,” the 12th SIGHCI Conference of Korea Information Society, Feb 2004

Yoon, W.C., Yoo, S.H., Kyu Hyun Kwon, “Usability Evaluation and Comparison on Internet Shopping Malls in Korea,” Korean Conference of HCI, Aug 2001

Yoon, W.C., Yoo, S.H., Dong-Suk Lee, “Coherent Design of Electronic Devices for Cultural-Cognitive-Aesthetic Sensibility,” the 10th SIGHCI Conference of Korea Information Society, Feb 2001

Lee,K.P., Yoo, S.H., Jong Hyong Kim, “Research for the Improvement of Car Usability, based on the Ethnography Methodology,” Korean Society for Science of Design, 1999

Yoo, S.H, Kim, J.H., Lee,K.P., “Research for the Usability of Intelligent Traffic System Design,” Korean Society for Science of Design, 1999

Yoo, S.H, Lee, E.C., Kim, J.H., Lee,K.P., “Research for the Application of Ethnography Methodology for the Behavior Analysis in Children’s Education Environment,” Korean Society for Science of Design, 1998

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